
Are you a homemaker in need of a more organised kitchen? A minimalist who wants to take control of your health and finances by preparing home-cooked meals? Or, a food enthusiast desperate for more kitchen space?

In any case, we all want something in common: A kitchen that’s nice to look at. One that is also easier to maintain and helps us prepare food faster. If remodelling is not an option, consider these five easy-to-implement ideas to achieve the efficient kitchen you’ve always wanted.

Keep the Usuals Nearby

Are you currently into Indian food? If so, you know which spices you need most of the time. Maybe, you’re experimenting with new baking ingredients or making batches of your favourite dressing. In any case, make sure that your most frequently used spices and ingredients are at hand with their own dedicated space.

Having this lessens the need to open multiple cupboards and rummage through shelves – which we know takes time to rearrange – whenever you cook. This could be a wall-mounted shelf, a 3-layer trolley or a separate drawer. Having this provision will cut your prep time and give you a less messy kitchen after every culinary expedition.

Smart kitchen ideas: Keep your most frequently needed items at hand by smart kitchen shelves. No more rummaging through the cupboard means fewer things to reorganise after cooking.

Clean as You Go

Commercially-built kitchens are very efficient because they incorporate waste disposal at key steps within the foodservice environment. Master chefs can make vegetable scraps disappear into the under-counter trash bin through a receptacle on the counter. They have walls that receive the trash. It’s fascinating to watch. How can you achieve the same system at home?

Smart trash bins are now made more affordable and widely available for homemakers. These special bins can be hung inside or outside your bottom cabinets by special hooks. They can also be wall-mounted through special peel-off stickers.

With these capabilities, place these smart trash bins in strategic points such as below the kitchen sink, near the chopping area or by the cook hub. When cleaning becomes part of your kitchen routine, things get easier and simpler.

By Hook or by Crook

Disorganised pots and pans cupboard? This is one of the reasons why some people find cooking daunting or time-wasting. Is it even possible to keep precious cookware clean if they are in disarray?

Smart kitchen ideas: Tired of deep and disorganised drawers? Install some aesthetic hooks. It will save you a lot of backaches.

If you are in this situation, the solution may be simpler than you thought. Find the nearest concrete wall and start installing hooks. Feel free to line them up in a row or customise placement depending on your cookware sizes. Reaching for a pan this way is easier than bending over a deep and disorganised drawer. For better aesthetics, choose hooks that are natural looking or with a design that blends with your overall kitchen look.

Smart Tools

Lack of space or too much kitchen stuff? Minimising your kitchen tools and equipment is the answer to this dilemma. That’s easier said than done, though, especially when you are into baking or specialised cooking. Having the right tools is key to a successful dish after all.

Set your eyes on gadgets that make your life easier and could do more than one thing. High-quality Silicone spatulas that work both in heat and cold. 8-in-1 food cutters. Colanders that double as vegetable washers and pasta drainers. You get the idea. This way, you have more functionalities with fewer items in your kitchen.

The Importance of Lighting

An efficient kitchen is one that is well lighted with task, mood and general lighting. Install task lighting, such as LED tube lights, on all the hard-working areas, mainly above the food prep, sink and cook hub. Having well-placed task lighting eases much stress from the eyes. Mood lighting, on the other hand, is for creating ambience and character in your kitchen. Think of dimmable LED drop lights on top of your bar for accent. Lastly, provide general lighting so people can get around different areas safely.

Smart kitchen ideas: Make sure your kitchen has task lighting, mood lighting and general lighting.

Indeed, achieving an efficient kitchen without any major renovation is quite a feat! With a few tricks and smart choices, you can get a cooking space that answers to your needs while spending less on frequent maintenance.

Keen on learning more lighting techniques for a fresh, minimalist home? Jump to another blog here.

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